What is L-theanine?

 1. What is l-theanine?

Simply put, l-theanine is a type of amino acid.

L-Theanine is a unique free amino acid in tea and a non-protein amino acid in tea.

The chemical structure is similar to glutamine and glutamic acid, which are active substances in the brain, and is the main ingredient in tea.

In the tea soup, if we drink the fresh and sweet taste.

Nine times out of ten, it is the taste of l-theanine.

Theanine has a caramel aroma and a fresh taste similar to MSG, and theanine can also relieve the bitterness and astringency of tea, enhance the sweetness, and coordinate the overall taste.

Therefore, if you drink any kind of tea and feel bitter, it is likely that the content of theanine is not enough.

2. What is the function of l-theanine?

Studies have found that l-theanine has an antagonistic effect on the excitement produced by caffeine.

This is also the reason why our previous article said that higher l-theanine can help to rest and soothe the nerves as soon as possible.

In addition, l-theanine has some other functions, which are listed here:

1. Affect the changes of neurotransmitters in the brain and enhance memory.

2. L-Theanine has a sedative effect and may prevent neurological disorders, insomnia, menstrual syndrome, etc.

3. L-Theanine can protect nerve cells and may be used for the prevention and treatment of cerebral embolism, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral apoplexy, cerebral ischemia and senile dementia.

4. L-Theanine has the effect of lowering blood pressure.

5. L-Theanine can enhance the efficacy of anticancer drugs.

6. L-Theanine has the effect of reducing fever and relieving summer heat.

7. L-Theanine can improve immunity.

3. Content distribution of l-theanine in tea tree

First of all, l-theanine is synthesized in the roots of the tea tree.

Then, when the stems and leaves of the tea tree begin to grow, l-theanine is transported to the new shoots to accumulate.

Therefore, the theanine content of spring tea sprouts is very rich every year.

After that, when the time of light is more and more, the temperature is getting higher and higher.

Theanine in tea buds will begin to decompose into glutamic acid and ethylamine, of which ethylamine is one of the components of synthetic catechin.

Therefore, summer tea after spring tea is often not as sweet and bitter as spring tea.

In addition, in some areas with high mountains and clouds, the sunshine and temperature will be relatively low.

Therefore, the tea tree in these places, the decomposition of theanine will also be inhibited.

This is one of the reasons why we think that high mountain tea is sweeter than low mountain tea.

Therefore, in general, the theanine content distributed in tea leaves is arranged as follows:

1. Young leaves > old leaves, young stems > buds > leaves, the content of theanine young stems is 1-3 times higher than that of bud leaves;

2. Small leaf species > large leaf species;

3. Spring tea>Autumn tea>Summer tea;

4. High altitude > low altitude, high latitude > low latitude.

4. What kind of tea has the most theanine?

Among the six major types of tea, white tea has the highest content of theanine.

The amino acid content in white tea is about 2.6% to 4.6%, of which theanine accounts for about 50%.

This is related to the production process of the six major types of tea.

The analysis believes that the main reason for the low theanine content in dark tea is the "stacking effect" of the processing process, so the content of theanine decreases.
