Drug dichloroacetate DCA kills multiple cancer cells

 Drug dichloroacetate DCA kills multiple cancer cells,Drugs can kill a variety of cancer cells, study reports

Dichloroacetate, an inexpensive drug that has been used for years to treat metabolic disorders, can kill many types of cancer cells, according to a new study by Canadian researchers.

Researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada tested the drug on a variety of human cells grown in vitro and found that it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but did not harm healthy cells.

According to the report, the researchers' experiments on laboratory mice also confirmed this conclusion. The researchers injected mice with cancer cells to induce tumor growth in them, then fed them water spiked with dichloroacetate for several weeks, and found that the mice's tumors shrunk significantly.

Until now, it has been thought that because the mitochondria of the cells are irreparably damaged, the cancerous cells use glycolysis to produce lactic acid, which destroys the collagen matrix that holds the cells together, so that the cancerous cells can be released to flow to other parts of the body, forming new tumor. 

But the Canadian researchers' experiments show that the situation is not irreversible, because dichloroacetate can re-awaken the mitochondria in cancer cells, activate the apoptosis mechanism, and cause the cancerous cells to die.

Dichloroacetate may cause pain, numbness and other problems in some patients, but if it works for many cancers, the cost of taking the drug may be worth it, the researchers said. The researchers plan the next step in a clinical trial with dichloroacetate in cancer patients.

Since there is currently no pure dichloroacetate for sale in China, some chemical companies have recently sold chemical-grade "dichloroacetate" online. 

I would like to remind everyone not to buy these chemical raw materials, because they are needed for pharmaceutical raw materials. 

Secondary processing, which is not a state-approved drug at all, will cause harm to the human body.

The following drug usage and precautions are from the experience of patients and are for reference only. Please be careful.

Many cases have proved that DCA has a good effect on cancer and its metastasis. Although it may not be a panacea, it is definitely worth a try.

The safe maximum dose published in the literature for sodium dichloroacetate is 25 mg/kg/day, and people using it online mostly use doses ranging from 15 mg to 25 mg/kg/day.

Side effects: After overdose, peripheral nerve damage will occur, manifested as numbness of fingers and toes, and some tremors of fingers.


Nebulized inhalation of DCA and oral administration.

The use of aerosol inhalation "dichloride" (DCA) to increase the concentration of the drug in the lesion and reduce the risk of side effects.

Nebulized dose: The initial dose is DCA 10mg/time, 2 times a day (that is, a total of 20mg, note that it is not the dose per kilogram of body weight). 

Dissolve 10mg of DCA in 20ml of normal saline each time, drink milk before inhalation (let a layer of protein liquid film hang in the mouth and esophagus). 

This is to protect the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. After inhalation, rinse your mouth and swallow.

Auxiliary drugs:

   1、Coenzyme q10 300mg

   2、A multivitamin tablet

   3、Alpha Lipoic Acid

   4、vitamin c

   5、Vitamin E



  1. Large doses should be avoided.

  2. to avoid singles

  3. Avoid concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy

  4. To avoid hypoglycemia.

  5. Avoid combination with unknown Chinese medicines.

  6. Avoid use by pregnant women.

  7. If the fever is severe at a very small dose, the drug should be discontinued.

Supplement (update) on how to take dca

1. It is wrong to eat continuously, you must eat for a few days and stop for a few days, such as eating 4 and stopping 3.

2. It is better to take a small amount of water to dissolve. However, it needs to be taken with rice, so as to ensure that the DCA does not suffer from severe energy deficiency when the effect of DCA is at its highest.

3. Eating sweets may also be a mistake.

4. When DCA is stopped, adjuvant medicine is still taken, but the amount is reduced, especially VB1 does not need to take so much.
